ABA Services
ABA Therapy Solutions utilizes evidenced based Applied Behavior Analysis as the foundation for our treatment programs. Each program is designed by either a Board Certified Behavior Analyst or Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst who is extensively trained to treat children with developmental disabilities. All treatment plans are implemented by Registered Behavior Technicians who are certified by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board (BACB) and are at minimum working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in either Applied Behavior Analysis, Psychology, Education or a related field.
Services We Offer:
Your child is unique and therefore we believe it is our job to design a behavior intervention program that is individualized to your child’s specific needs. Our BCBAs and BCaBAs continually assess each child’s needs and use ABA Therapy Solutions extensive researched based curriculum to create a specialized program for each child. Our highly skilled staff are trained in a wide range of ABA methods to provide many options to find the intervention that works best to meet your child’s specific needs.
Verbal Behavior Therapy teaches communication using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis and the theories of behaviorist B.F. Skinner. Verbal Behavior is the actions of a person that are reinforced by a listener. It is a way of understanding the different purposes of language (e.g., a child may use language to ask for things, or to label things in his environment). Each child has their own method of communication – words, signs, augmentative devices, pictures, etc., but all children need to learn to be effective communicators. All skills are examined comprehensively to see if they are emerging evenly across all operants.
Most traditional language approaches differentiate between receptive (listener skills) and expressive (vocal) language. Skinner’s functional analysis of verbal behavior further analyzes vocal behavior according to its function. Mand (request), Tact (label) and Intraverbal (talking about things in the absence of those things) are all components of “expressive language.” Focusing on the reasons we say words rather than the form of the response allows us to more effectively teach functional language skills to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The Verbal Operants:
- Mand = request (you say it because you want it)
- Tact = label (you say it because you see, hear, smell, taste, or feel something)
- Intraverbal = conversation, answering a question, responding when someone else talks (you say it because someone else asked you a question, or made a comment)
- Echoic = repeating what someone else says (you say it because someone else said it)
Other Operants:
- Imitation = repeating someone else’s motor movements (you move because someone else moved the same way)
- Listener Responding/Receptive = following directions (you do what someone else asks you to do)
Our goal at ABA Therapy Solutions is to help our clients understand that communicating produces positive results.
VB-MAPP- The VB-MAPP is a developmentally based criterion referenced assessment tool that was field-tested with typically developing children and children with ASD. The VB-MAPP assesses individual skills within each repertoire area, such as the echoic, mand, tact, intraverbal, etc. It also assesses the child’s barriers to learning and contains a transition assessment which is to aid providers in making placement decisions about the level of inclusion or group instruction that may be appropriate for that learner. There are five components of the VB-MAPP:
- Milestones Assessment
- Barriers Assessment
- Transition Assessment
- Task Analysis and Skills Tracking
- Placement and IEP Goals
and collectively they provide a baseline level of performance, a direction for intervention, a system for tracking skill acquisition, a tool for outcome measures and other language research projects, and a framework for curriculum planning. Each of the skills in the VB-MAPP is not only measurable and developmentally balanced, but they are balanced across the verbal operants and other related skills.
FBA- A Functional Behavior Assessment is the primary tool used to identify and attempt to understand a child's behavior. It is a multidisciplinary approach that incorporates a number of techniques, sources of information, and strategies to understand the reasons behind problem behavior and to develop strategies or interventions to address the problem behaviors. The process involves documenting the antecedent (what comes before the behavior), behavior, and consequence (what happens after the behavior) over a number of weeks; interviewing teachers, parents, and others who work with the child; and manipulating the environment to see if a way can be found to prevent the behavior. This information is important because it leads the observer beyond the "symptom" (the behavior) to the student’s underlying motivation to escape, "avoid," or "get" something which is the root to all behavior. The findings from the FBA become the basis for the Behavior Intervention Plan.
ABLLS-R- The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills - Revised is an assessment tool, curriculum guide, and skills-tracking system used to help guide the instruction of language and critical learner skills for children with autism or other developmental disabilities. The ABLLS-R contains a task analysis of the many skills necessary to communicate successfully and to learn from everyday experiences. It provides both parents and professionals with criterion-referenced information regarding a child’s current skills, and provides a curriculum that can serve as a basis for the selection of educational objectives.
AFLS - The Assessment of Functional Living Skills (AFLS) is an assessment, skills tracking system, & curriculum guide for the development of essential skills for achieving independence. It can be used to demonstrate a learner's current functional skill repertoire & provide tracking info for the progressive development of these skills. The AFLS contains task analyses of the skills essential for participation in family, community, & work environments.
Other assessments are completed based on the individual needs of each child.
Behavior Intervention Plans are developed from a Functional Behavior Assessment. Behavior Intervention Plans increase the acquisition and use of new alternative skills, decrease the problem behavior and facilitate general improvements in the quality of life of the individual, his or her family, and members of the support team.
ABA Therapy Solutions provides social skills training to children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and other developmental disabilities. The focus of the program is to increase the child’s overall ability to:
- Recognize and interpret verbal and non-verbal communication
- Develop appropriate peer relationships
- Assist individuals with improvement in social interactions by expanding their interest in age appropriate topics, toys and play skills
- Increase their ability to recognize others emotions
The goal is to minimize the stress and anxiety when participating in social interaction. The program strives to provide the tools necessary for successful interpretation of social and communication skills.
FCT is used to teach and establish replacement behaviors for inappropriate or harmful behaviors such as aggression, escape/elopement, non-compliance, etc. When a child is regularly engaging in disruptive, challenging behaviors the child is having difficulty communicating or meeting their wants and needs. Even for a verbal child, but particularly for a non-verbal child, behavior is a way of communicating. It is our role to develop a comprehensive ABA program to replace challenging behaviors with more effective and efficient positive/functional behaviors in order to get their needs and wants meet in a more socially acceptable manner.
ABA Therapy Solutions offers a wide range of professional development trainings for parents, families and school districts in the area of Applied Behavior Analysis. Our workshops/trainings are available in full day sessions, half day sessions and evening sessions. Workshops and training can be tailored to meet your individualized needs for professional development. Please contact us for more information.
ABA Therapy Solutions offers consultation for individuals in their public and private school settings and also contract with schools who are seeking ABA services or consultation. ABA Therapy Solutions, LLC is able to provide services, which address needs such as assessments, behavioral assessments, teacher and staff training, modification of curriculum, social skills facilitation, program development, and ongoing supervision.
ABA Therapy Solutions can provide on-going collaboration throughout the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) process, including the construction of IEP goals and objectives, assisting in the implementation of the goals in the home and school settings, and reporting of progress.
ABA Therapy Solutions offers supervision for those pursuing BCBA or BCaBA Certification. Supervision experiences are offered both locally and remotely and may include both one on one and group supervision opportunities. With many years of experience in the field, we understand that rich, in-depth experience and practice are key components of learning to apply the principles of ABA effectively in intervention. We value high quality supervision that creates a valuable learning opportunity for our supervisees. Please contact us if you are interested in seeking supervision.
The Jumpstart to Learning Program is a clinic based ABA preschool/school readiness program designed for young children with autism ages 3-6 years. The focus is to provide school readiness and skill acquisition programs in order to address social, play skills, language-based communication, executive functioning, pre-academic skills, fine and gross motor skills, imitation skills and daily living skills along with intensive behavioral support to decrease problem behavior. We are a communication focused program using a total communication approach encouraging our students to express their wants, needs, and interests.
2 levels of treatment intensity:
- Half Day – 12:00 - 3:30 Monday through Friday
- Full Day – 9:00 - 3:00 Monday through Friday
Treatment Includes
- 1:1 intensive ABA therapy to increase skills including communication, imitation, motor skills, tolerance training, toilet training, etc., group sessions to increase play, social and school readiness skills, parent training and coordination of care with other specialists.
- In addition to our educational programming, our students participate in gross motor activities as well as weekly music and movement.
- Each student receives individual instruction from a team including a BCBA/BCaBA, intervention specialist/special education teacher, Registered Behavior Technicians and assistant teachers.
- Parent training including daily communication, individualized family training at the clinic on a monthly basis, group parent workshops quarterly, and when necessary, home visits to work with the families and students together. Staff work with families to develop the strategies and resources parents will need to help reinforce the approach taken at the clinic.
- Each student will have an individualized behavior intervention plan which focuses on behaviors targeted for decrease (i.e. aggression, self-harm, noncompliance, repetitive behaviors) that impedes the learning of the student or others as well as impedes the students ability to be successful in the natural environment (home, community, etc)
Payment Options
- Ohio Autism Scholarship
- Insurance
- Private Pay Options
The Ready to Learn Program is a clinic-based ABA school program designed for young children with autism ages 5-8 years old. The focus is to provide interventions and skill acquisition programs in a classroom setting. In this program, children will learn to address social, play skills, language-based communication, executive functioning, academic skills (Ohio Standards and Extended Standards), fine and gross motor skills, independent life and work and daily living skills along with intensive behavioral support to decrease problem behavior. We are a communication focused program using a total communication approach encouraging our students to express their wants, needs, and interests.
Our Model
- Full Day – 8:30 - 2:30 Monday through Friday
Treatment Includes
- 1:1 intensive ABA therapy to increase skills including communication, independent skills, motor skills, tolerance training, toilet training, etc.,
- Group sessions to increase play, social, parent training and coordination of care with other specialists.
- IEP goals are also addressed in both a 1:1 setting as well as small and whole group instruction.
- Additional gross motor activities as well as weekly music and art activities.
- Individualized behavior intervention plan focusing on behaviors targeted for decrease (i.e. aggression, self-harm, noncompliance, repetitive behaviors) and behaviors targeted for increase outlines individualized specific goals for increasing skills.
Payment Options
- Ohio Autism Scholarship
- Insurance
- Private Pay Options
The Learning for Success Program is a clinic-based ABA school program designed for children with autism ages 8-11+ years old. The focus is to provide interventions and skill acquisition programs in a classroom setting. In this program, children will learn to address social skills, language-based communication, executive functioning, academic skills (Ohio Standards and Extended Standards), fine and gross motor skills, independent life and work and daily living skills along with intensive behavioral support to decrease problem behavior. We are a communication focused program using a total communication approach encouraging our students to express their wants, needs, and interests.
Our Model
- Full Day – 8:30 - 2:30 Monday through Friday
Treatment Includes
- 1:1 intensive ABA therapy to increase skills including communication, independent skills, motor skills, tolerance training, toilet training, etc.,
- Group sessions to increase social skills, parent training and coordination of care with other specialists.
- IEP goals are also addressed in both a 1:1 setting as well as small and whole group instruction.
- Additional gross motor activities as well as weekly specials including music, art, health and science.
- Individualized behavior intervention plan focusing on behaviors targeted for decrease (i.e. aggression, self-harm, noncompliance, repetitive behaviors) and behaviors targeted for increase outlines individualized specific goals for increasing skills.
Payment Options
- Ohio Autism Scholarship
- Insurance
- Private Pay Options
ABA Therapy Solutions partners with many insurance companies to provide services to their members. Contact us to learn if our treatment programs are covered by your insurance provider. We also accept the Ohio Autism Scholarship and work with our private pay clients to uncover additional resources available and affordable payment options.